I'm originally from a small town in the west coast of Persian golf in Iran, where I spent my childhood. I moved to Isfahan and Tehran next, bigger cities in Iran to do my bachelor and master studies. I have been living in Germany since 2020 and I'm pursuing my PhD in computer science in Tübingen. Living in different parts of Iran and now in Germany has given me the chance to know people from different backgrounds and further provided me with the chance to learn new languages. Besides my dialect and Persian, I speak English, German, and an Iranian dialect of Kurdish.
Besides my academic career, I had a chance to work in electronic industry in Iran, where I developed products for sales points.

PhD in Computer Science

2020 to now at Max-Planck-Institute for Intelligent Systems, Tuebingen, Germany

Master's in Communication Systems

2016 to 2019 at Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

Bachelor's in Electrical Engineering - Communication Systems

2011 to 2016 at Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran

Research Experience

Researcher at Human aspects of Machine Learning Lab.

From 2021 to now at MPI-IS, Tuebingen, Germany

During this time, I worked on understanding and further extensions of learn-to-defer systems. I designed active learning methods of learning the deferral systems, introduced a set of surrogate losses with which one could jointly train a classifier and rejection function, extended the notion of learn-to-defer to a more general teaming setting, and worked towards formalizing solution to deferral systems under constraints.

Researcher at Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning Lab.

From 2020 to 2021 at MPI-IS, Tuebingen, Germany

I worked on an alternative to random fourier feature method for generating private synthetic data using kernel mean embeddings. This alternative provably needs less amount of features to find a valid representation of the data, which means we need less noise to protect the privacy of individuals. Therefore, the quality of the generated private data is improved.

Researcher at Multimedia Lab.

From 2016 to 2019 at Sharif University of Technology

I was conducting research on the intersection of information theory and signal processing. I devised an probabilistic generalization of sparsity that gives similar guarantees as sparsity in compressed sensing problems.

Software Skills
  • PyTorch
  • C++